Aligned layer It's a proof verification layer developed on top of the EigenLayer using restaking and proof aggregation. This will enable cost-effective verification of any SNARK proof, leveraging Ethereum validators' security without the limitations of Ethereum.
##Create new walletalignedlayerdkeysadd $ALIGNED_WALLET##Recovery old walletalignedlayerdkeysadd $ALIGNED_WALLET --recover##Save wallet and validator addressALIGNED_WALLET_ADDRESS=$(alignedlayerdkeysshow $ALIGNED_WALLET -a)ALIGNED_VALOPER_ADDRESS=$(alignedlayerdkeysshow $ALIGNED_WALLET --bechval-a)echo"export WALLET_ADDRESS="$ALIGNED_WALLET_ADDRESS >> $HOME/.bash_profileecho"export VALOPER_ADDRESS="$ALIGNED_VALOPER_ADDRESS >> $HOME/.bash_profilesource $HOME/.bash_profile
Registering as a Validator
#check your validator status
alignedlayerd status 2>&1 | jq
##or you can use this
curl localhost:26657/status | jq
#make sure your node is sysnced to the latest height "catching_up: false"
#registering your validator
cd $HOME/aligned_layer_tendermint
bash <account-name-or-address> 1050000stake